Sitting on a diet and the Metabolism of a body

Diet and your Body

We know all, what to grow thin we should reduce quantity of calories which we accept and we burn it is more, than we consume, but how we can low take our introduction of a calorie, it means below, we take it more weights which we lose? Surprisingly answer - not, is even more surprisingly, instead of the fact of the help to us to lose more weights, it limits us.

If we strictly limit quantity of calories, we accept then, it interferes with ours bodies to burn down undesirable depot of Adeps, and it simply means, that loss in weight is slowed down, or we do not lose any weight.

As it works

Strictly limiting introduction of a calorie the body is protected against it sees as starvation which simply means, that the body will use as much as possible calories which it really receives that you eat and drink.

The body will protect fat depot and instead of it will use a muscle or a poor tissue to give to it calories, it should function properly. Performance of it will lead to loss of a muscle, and the metabolic rate will lower granting an opportunity a body to continue to work, and it leads to retardation of loss in weight.

How many calories are necessary to prevent this case?

As the metabolism of each person is distinguished there is no easy answer, but as a rule the majority of experts in nutrition recommends to remain above 1 200 calories to prevent your body entering at way of protection.

There is no difficult and fast rule however, and the body only does not enter into a way of protection suddenly, it is slow process so therefore, it will sometimes not damage, if you will go under the recommended daily allowance of a calorie.

Why the metabolism damages a muscle?

Norm on which the body burns down calories, name a metabolic rate and it is controlled by quantity of a muscle which we have, as a rule there is more than muscle, we have above our metabolic rate.

Much more calories it is burnt with a muscle than Adeps so when we lose a muscle, drops of a metabolic rate and less calories are burnt. It explains, why when we sit on a diet, it is important to protect a metabolic rate, it means to sit on a diet with appreciable introduction of calories.

What can I make to prevent degradation of muscle?

Augmentation of quantity of exercise while sitting on a diet can help to build a muscle; it in turn helps to raise a metabolism. The activity, taken the correct daily basis, type of navigation, fast walking and jogging everyone will help to adjust a muscle and to burn down Adeps.

Ways to accelerate your metabolism
· To be active - to accelerate an excellent way your metabolism, especially aerobic and training of fastness.
· To eat small nutrition often instead of there are one or two big nutritions.
· To eat a plenty of the foodstuff rich with fiber, type of poor meat, a fish and skinless a chicken.
· Spices of use in your cookery, pepper of Chile as think, accelerates a metabolic rate on 50 % within 3 hours after meal of it.
· To drink green tea instead of your regular soup.