Serious obesity - very much a chronic which is extremely difficult for treating, for the person suffering from a serious obesity sometimes, the surgery to limit a food allowance and consequently to help with reduction of weight - the unique choice, left accessible.
As digestion works
When the nutrition passes a digestive tube, digestive juices and enzymes reach a correct place to digest and absorb calories and nutrients. When we chew and we swallow of nutrition, it moves downwards oesophagus to a stomach where the strong acid proceeds with digestive process.
Our stomach can hold approximately 3 pints of nutrition and when the maintenance of a stomach moves downwards to a duodenum which is the first segment in bile of a small bowel, and the pancreatic help of juices accelerate digestive process; it - where the majority of iron and a calcium is absorbed.
Conservation of two segments of a small bowel finishes absorption almost all calories and nutrients. Any particles of nutrition which cannot be digested in a small bowel, are kept in a colon is not eliminated yet.
How the surgery causes loss in weight?
Use of gastric surgery as the help of the help a suffering obesity to patients has arrived after consequences sick of a cancer which tended to grow thin after operation, it is operation involves parts of a stomach or a deleted small bowel.
As treatment of an obesity through surgeons of surgery now is used with methods which make loss in weight, limiting, how much the stomach can keep. There are two main types of the surgery used to help to cause loss in weight in the person suffering by an obesity.
Restrictive surgery
This type of surgery is used to make a stomach smaller, the part of a stomach or is removed or closed, which limits quantity of peep which it can hold and consequently forces you to feel full.
Surgery Malabsorptive
Digestion and absorption take place in a small bowel, thus this type of surgery is used to reduce length of a small bowel in a point where it is bridged to a stomach. It then limits quantity of peep which is completely digested or absorbed.
What benefits and risks?
The main benefit - fast loss in weight after surgery and during 18 - 24 months after procedure, some patients will start to restore the small lost weight, but the few ever restore all this.
The conditions, concerning obesities also improve for example those patients who were found with developed Diabetum, that levels of sugar in a blood have come back to normal following for surgery.
Vomiting - the general by-effect restrictive surgeries, and patients very often develop alimentary deficiencies, type of an anemia. It is More than one third of people suffering by an obesity which had restrictive surgery, developed cholic concernments and other general by-effects, type of a giddiness, a nausea and an excessive diaphoresis.
Any type of surgery for an obesity is not taken slightly, and you should prove to your Doctor, that you tried all other methods to grow thin before it or it even will find surgery a choice.
For the majority of people suffering by an obesity greater efforts to growing thin should be undertaken with changes in preferences in meal, a way of life and physical activity, it is more adequate decision of long term and one, the Doctor it will be usual to recommend all over again.