Health of the Obesity
The percent from people who are heavy and suffering an obesity, is on augmentation, is more than 1 billion adults in the world which are on weight, and 300 million from them are suffering an obesity.
The percent from young men who are on weight, more than has trebled for the last some years and among children in age group 6 - 19 years, more than 9 million young men as think, are on weight.
They amaze numbers when you think of the consequences which are being on weight, and especially the obesity has on the health, being on weight or suffering an obesity can enlarge risk of many illnesses and damage health, some of which include:
· Arterial hypertensia
· To print 2 Diabetums
· Ischemic heart disease
· Disease of a cholic bubble
· Impact
· Respiratory problems
· Some types of a cancer, type of a cancer of a mammary gland and a cancer of a colon
Why is on augmentation?
Researches have shown, that we receive all less and less exercise and we eat more foodstuff which are high in sugar and sated Adepses, more people eats transformation to a fast food or serious nutrition as a body of their diet is less curative instead of it.
For it often make responsible the world in which we live today, people have no time to plan and buy foodstuff which are more healthy then prepare for them, it so more forces to appoint only removing and to put it.
Snacking also has the most part to play especially with young men and children who always are going to leave and should hurry up to eat inherent healthy nutrition.
When does to be heavy turn to an obesity?
Term on weight and suffering an obesity - terms for ranges of weight which are more than, that as believe, is healthy for the given height. As the weight of adults and height are used to calculate an index of mass of a body, it finds quantity of Adeps of a body.
The adult whom parameters between 25 and 29.9 as speak, are on weight if the person should win more than 30 then, they would be classified as being by a suffering obesity. Other methods used to assess Adeps of a body - the sizes of thickness of a fold of a skin and a circle of a waist.
Test for an obesity or being heavy
You can execute the simple test of the house to define, whether heavy you or becoming suffering an obesity, you can define your circle of a waist at use of a measuring tape and the adaptation of it is cosy around of your waist.
It gives you the good indication concerning quantity of abdominal Adeps which can then to give you the indication concerning risk of developing problems of health in the future.
The risk is enlarged, if you are a woman, and your measurement of a waist - more than 35 inches and in men, if it - more than 40 inches. If after a capture of this simple test you are concerned, that you can be on weight then, it is in your best interest to start to do with it something.
Gradually enlarge quantity of the exercise made in day and start to eat more healthy diet with a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables and if you have to snack then snack on fruit or fresh carrots instead of chocolate and pies.
If you - much by quantity of the inches recommended then, it is desirable to see, that your Doctor and it possibly recommend, that you saw the dietarian to help you.